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golf 83876 640You’ve probably read in golf magazines things like, “Golf is 90% mental”. Well, I don’t know how you can put an accurate figure on it, but it’s obvious to anyone that from the moment you start trying to hit a ball when you’re learning the game, to the point when you’re actually playing on-course, what happens in your head plays a huge part in the outcome.

Meditation and Mood
What feeling do you associate with a poor shot, or multiple poor shots within a round of golf: anger, negative thinking, self doubt, sadness, or embarrassment? The problem here is that all of these emotions are associated with even worse future performance than the shot you were mad about in the first place. Nobody, I mean nobody, plays their best when they are not in a positive frame of mind. This doesn’t mean we need to be joyously happy after a bad shot, but it does mean we need to modulate our anger/disappointment and be positive about our ability to recover…accept and move on right? Strangely enough, this is not only the case on the course. Our personal lives significantly affect our mood and feelings on the course. Don’t believe me, what was the cause of Tiger’s downfall? Was it injury, was it being too busy to practice because he had kids, was there too much pressure, or was it because his personal life was smashed to oblivion and he just can’t get his head right on the course on a consistent basis any longer?

Luckily, meditation has been shown in multiple studies to improve mood. Specifically, it has been shown to reduce anger, negative thinking, depression, confusion, and fatigue; as well as increase general happiness and positive thinking. I have no doubt that improving your mood will improve you game.

Professional Golfer and Healer Omar Botha has improved my golf in just 1hour session. I stuggled to shoot under 71. The next day after 1 mediation session with Omar Botha I shot a 68! Carlos 

The basic premise of Golf Meditation is that golf and meditation are natural soul-mates, each complementing the other. Golf is an near ideal form of meditation, for experienced meditators and novices alike. It can deepen the practice of other types of meditation, and assist spiritual seekers on their journey of awareness and self-realization. Conversely, meditation can improve a golfer's concentration and joy, helping them into the zone of optimum performance.
Golf Meditation / Relaxation

We all agree that golf is a mental game. Let us help you with the mental side of golf and make golf an easier game. There are a few misconceptions on meditation today. One can do this simply by sitting or lying down. Meditation is the art of being aware, aware of what is going on inside you and around you. Most of us have been taught in order to play well you have to train hard, practice long hours, struggle and concentrate. The harder we try and the more we struggle the more tense we become, and therefore the worse we play. By doing these exercises you will be more centered and relaxed during a golf game even in the face of defeat.

HeartMath: Inner Balance sensor for iOS

Practice meditation for golf focus

Meditation was taught by the Buddha thousands of years ago to quiet the voices of fear, anxiety, worry and other negative emotions in the mind. He described the inner mental noise as drunken monkeys chattering in your mind. Today we call it the negative self-talk that goes on in everyone’s mind. Golfers try to “block out” these distracting thoughts, but it’s useless to do that because what you resist, persists.

Meditation is considered a type of mind-body alternative medicine. Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the “monkey mind” thoughts that may be distracting you and causing stress.

"All things are created twice."
Whatever you experience in your outer world has first been created in your inner world. Everything begins with a thought, no matter how fleeting but a thought none the less. When I say everything, I mean everything. Healer & Professional Golfer Omar Botha

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